Between Dawn & DaggerBOOK 1: Eighteen-year-old Valarie Jacobson has wanted to become a Hunter since the Unseelie Fae murdered her mother six years ago. While training at the Academy for the Removal of Supernatural Creatures (ARSC), Val creates allies and enemies alike on her journey for vengeance. But when she meets Ry, an Unseelie assassin, and Roland, a notorious vampire, she quickly discovers what it means to be human.
Between Iron & IceBOOK 2: After narrowly escaping the Unseelie Queen with her life, Valarie is more determined than ever to protect her family and make Rosewood safe once again. With new acquaintances--both human and otherwise--Val struggles to navigate through this ancient war she's found herself in. But in doing so, she must learn the hard way that not everyone is who they appear to be.
Between Forest & Flame*Coming February 2025*
BOOK 3: Under the threat of another Immortal Infestation, Rosewood must turn to its Hunters to keep its citizens safe. As chaos slowly erupts around town, Valarie and her friends find themselves the target of a bloodthirsty enemy. With the help of their Seelie ally, Val and Orion discover a glimmer of hope amongst the ashes--one that could tip the scales in their favor. One that could finally end the war and put a stop to supernatural tyranny once and for all.
"The strong female protagonist and skilled world-building hooks you from the prologue, creating a thrilling story that left me expecting the unexpected with each chapter."
"The main characters are well-written, fleshed out fantastically, and hold your attention until the end." |
Music has always played a huge part in my writing process. This is a playlist created by me, filled with songs that I listened to while writing and conceptualizing the trilogy. Each song reminds me of the tone, a certain scene, or a character from the series. I hope you enjoy it! Click the button below to check it out.